Artemis Toumazi was born in Cyprus in 1991. She received her BSc in Mathematics with a First Class Honours at University of Surrey, UK in 2012 and joined University Claude Bernard, Lyon I, at France in 2012 pursuing her MS in Statistics, Computing and Numerical Techniques (Statistiques, Informatique et Techniques Numeriques - SITN).

She completed her MS Thesis titled “Bayesian statistics comparing with the classical statistics” and then joined the Stem Cell and Brain Institute in a position of Biostatistician in December 2014 until September 2015. During that period she worked on the project titled “Bayesian Analysis of Connectivity in Macaque Cerebral Cortex”.

She is currently participating in the european project InSPiRe (Innovation in Small Populations Research) and working at the Centre de Recherche Cordeliers in Paris. Her work involves developing R packages and experimenting with bayesian models for phase I dose finding clinical trials.

Her research interests include applications of Statistical Research in healthcare, Bayesian Statistics analysis, Residual analysis, Design of experiments, R and SAS programming.



 Biostatistician research fellow
 INSERM U1138 - Centre de Recherche Cordeliers, France

  •  Participating in the european InSPiRe (Innovation in Small Populations Research) project.
  •  Create R package for phase I dose finding studies.
  •  Study Bayesian models for phase I clinical trials.
  •  R programming mainly using r-stan package.
April 2016 - May 2017
 INSERM U846 - Stem Cell and Brain Institute, France

  •  Construct Bayesian models, that include the observed characteristics of our database
  •  Create a probabilistic map of connectivity across the macaque cortex
  •  Examine them using JAGS and Stan, running from R with interfacing packages
December 2014 - September 2015
 Graduate assistant
 University of Buffalo

  •  Collecting data
  •  Statistical analysis of clinical trials for colorectal cancer patients
  •  Analysis conducted mainly in R and Matlab
April 2014 - September 2014
 Volunteer in research
 University of Buffalo

  •  Collecting data
Januray 2014 - April 2014
 Assistant in HR department

  •  Assisting in daily HR department work
August 2013
 A.Avgousti Ship Suppliers Ltd

  •  Invoices
  •  Filing
  •  Contacting customers
  •  Placing orders
June 2012 - September 2012


 Claude Bernard Lyon1

  •  Advanced statistical tools
  •  Probabilities, statistics, software (R SAS Rstudio)
  •  Data mining
  •  Java
  •  Modelisation of extreme events
  •  Experience plans
  •  Databases (SQL, MySQL, phpMyAdmin)
  •  6-month internship
 Claude Bernard Lyon1

  •  Statistics
  •  Techniques Numerique
  •  Operational Research
  •  Statistical Programms (R & SAS)
  •  Thesis | Bayesian Statistics
 BsC Mathematics
 Univeristy of Surrey

  •  Statistics
  •  Mathematics
  •  Mathematical Economics
  •  Dissertation on Latin Squares


Working papers
  • Toumazis I., Kurt M., Karacosta L.G., Toumazi A., Kwon C., and Goldstein D.A., “Scheduling palliative chemotherapy treatment for metastatic colorectal cancer patients” (Winner of the Society for Health Systems 2015 Graduate Student Paper Competition, presented by Institute of Industrial Engineers)
  • Toumazis I., Kurt M., Karacosta L.G., Toumazi A., Kwon C., and Goldstein D.A., “Addressing palliative chemotherapy scheduling for metastatic colorectal cancer patients with financial limitations: A constrained dynamic program and scalable iterative approximation algorithms”



  • Colorectal chemotherapy scheduling project wins the SHS Graduate Student Paper Competition. January 2015
  • High academic performance for academic year 2009-2010
  • High academic performance for academic year 2010-2011
  • High academic performance for academic year 2011-2012.

Computings skills

  • R / RStudio
  • SAS
  • Jags
  • Stan
  • Matlab
  • Scilab
  • Maple
  • SQL
  • Java


  • GCE in Further Mathematics (A’ Level)
  • GCE in Pure Mathematics (A’ Level)
  • GCE in Pure Mathematics (O’ Level)
  • GCE in English Language (O’ Level)
  • Modern Greek (O’ Level)

Copyright 2015-2016 Artemis Toumazi